(ADI) 今日宣布與百度簽署合作......" />
北京2018年7月4日電 /美通社/ -- Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) 今日宣布與百度簽署合作諒解備忘錄。雙方將建立合作關系,利用各自在自動駕駛領域的從傳感器融合、算法平臺及生態(tài)系統(tǒng)布局等方面的優(yōu)勢互補,以增強雙方的核心市場與行業(yè)競爭力,共同拓展相關市場并推動實現(xiàn)信息與工業(yè)化的高度融合。
自動駕駛、智能網(wǎng)聯(lián)和智慧交通正在成為影響未來智能交通的關鍵,ADI 與百度將通過共享資源與技術等的合作方式,利用 ADI 在 IMU、毫米波雷達、激光雷達以及 A2B/C2B 總線、DSP 產(chǎn)品技術方面的優(yōu)勢,在百度自動駕駛 Apollo 計劃的自動駕駛感知與導航應用中開展廣泛合作,共同為自動駕駛、智能網(wǎng)聯(lián)和智慧交通領域提供全面、系統(tǒng)、可靠的解決方案。
ADI 公司中國區(qū)總裁 Jerry Fan 指出:“中國的汽車產(chǎn)量和銷量均已位居全球第一,傳統(tǒng)車企和各種造車新勢力在創(chuàng)新開發(fā)方面的速度和進展也是令人矚目。ADI 在自動駕駛、駕駛艙電子產(chǎn)品、EV 和 HEV 動力總成等方面具有行業(yè)領先優(yōu)勢,并與全球汽車行業(yè)展開了廣泛合作。我們很高興能夠與百度達成這一對雙方均具有重大意義的合作關系,ADI 將以自己的優(yōu)勢幫助更多中國合作伙伴在這一波智能駕駛創(chuàng)新浪潮中實現(xiàn)技術升級?!?
作為全球高性能模擬技術領先提供商,ADI 相關的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品涵蓋了完整的汽車電子產(chǎn)業(yè)生態(tài),包括汽車氣囊和電子穩(wěn)定控制方案、超高精度慣性導航方案、語音交互及音頻處理器、音頻總線 A2B、專用的車載視頻和攝像頭總線技術 C2B、先進 HMI、駕駛員狀態(tài)檢測、24GHz 和 77GHz 汽車雷達方案、DSP、LiDAR/TOF、Drive360? 技術平臺、動力總成系統(tǒng)中的電池管理、高電壓系統(tǒng)隔離、高精度馬達控制檢測等等,這些業(yè)界領先高性能產(chǎn)品和解決方案在幫助全球整車廠和汽車電子設備廠商推出滿足下一代自動駕駛汽車的研發(fā)上正在發(fā)揮著至關重要的作用。
This release may be deemed to contain forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, our statements regarding the expected opportunities, benefits and developments associated with the memorandum of understanding with Baidu, including the anticipated sharing of resources and technologies, advancements in technologies, solutions and product development efforts and offerings, that are based on our current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industry and markets in which Analog Devices operates. The statements contained in this press release are not guarantees of future performance, are inherently uncertain, involve certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed in such forward-looking statements, and such statements should not be relied upon as representing Analog Devices' expectations or beliefs as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described, implied or projected in any forward-looking statements include difficulty or delay in our design, development, production and marketing of products, technologies and solutions, including those associated with the memorandum of understanding with Baidu and other risk factors described in our most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.