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关于百特<\/strong><\/p> \n 百特国际有限公司 (Baxter International Inc.) 通过其子公司研发、生产并销售用于治疗血友病、免疫系统紊乱疾病、感染疾病、肾科疾病、创伤和其他慢性及重症疾病的产品,致力于拯救并延续患者生命。作为一家多元化经营的跨国医疗企业,百特提供独特的医疗器械、医药产品以及生物科技产品组合,提高全球患者享有的医护水平。如需更多信息,请登录:www.baxter.com.cn<\/a><\/p> \n 1. World Kidney Day. Kidney FAQ; Your Amazing Kidneys. http:\/\/www.worldkidneyday.org\/faqs\/about-kidneys-and-kidney-disease\/kidneys-and-chronic-kidney-disease\/\/#ckdinelderly<\/a>. Accessed February 13, 2014.<\/p> \n 2. Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in China a cross-sectional survey, The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9818, Pages 815-822, 3 March 2012<\/p> \n 3. National Health Service. Dialysis - advantages and disadvantages. Jul, 2009. http:\/\/www.nhs.uk\/Conditions\/Dialysis\/Pages\/Advantages-and-disadvantages.aspx<\/a>. Accessed February 13, 2014.<\/p> \n 4. Juergensen E, et al. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis: patients' assessment of their satisfaction with therapy and the impact of the therapy on their lives. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2006;1:1191-6.<\/p>"];