

2022-03-17 02:20

阿聯(lián)酋阿布扎比2022年3月17日 /美通社/ -- 阿聯(lián)酋獵鷹俱樂部(Emirates Falconers Club)啟動將于9月26日至10月2日舉辦的阿布扎比國際狩獵和馬術展覽(ADIHEX 2022)的籌備工作。該展覽是中東和非洲地區(qū)規(guī)模最大的狩獵和馬術展。上一屆活動,即2021年阿布扎比國際狩獵和馬術展覽(ADIHEX 2021),有來自44個國家的680家公司和品牌參與,奠定了該展覽在該地區(qū)和國際上的地位。

Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.


參展商認為,參加ADIHEX的主要目的在于 聯(lián)誼、增加直銷、結識新代理商與合作伙伴、達成交易、進入新市場、與各行業(yè)專家建立聯(lián)系、提高品牌知名度以及推出創(chuàng)新的新產(chǎn)品。


ADIHEX 2021還舉辦了120多場研討會,接待了來自世界各地的約90位講者、800多名官方獵鷹代表、可持續(xù)狩獵協(xié)會和機構。

阿聯(lián)酋獵鷹俱樂部秘書長兼ADIHEX高級組委會主席Majid Ali Al Mansouri閣下對王室成員、酋長以及當?shù)貙φ褂[的大力支持表示衷心感謝和贊賞,正是他們的支持促進了獵鷹遺產(chǎn)保護和在全球范圍的推廣。




Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.

消息來源:Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2022)