
2019 杰出商業(yè)女性論壇將于31號在深圳舉辦

2019-05-20 14:11

廣州2019年5月20日 /美通社/ -- 每年的杰出商業(yè)女性論壇是廣東英國商會的旗艦活動之一。該活動已連續(xù)7年成功在廣州、深圳兩地舉辦,每年的參與人數多達300余人。廣東英國商會希望通過該論壇為女性同胞打造一個交流思想、相互鼓舞的平臺,啟迪各位女性同胞找到屬于自己的本真和位置。

2019 杰出商業(yè)女性論壇海報
2019 杰出商業(yè)女性論壇海報




Balance for Better




未來的女性 & 另一種選擇


Leiya Lei

  • 北京大學光華管理學院MBA,中山大學嶺南學院金融系
  • 曾任職于花旗銀行環(huán)球企業(yè)銀行對公大客戶部,服務于深圳當地大型中資跨國企業(yè)。
  • 現工作于某大型銀行金融機構部,服務跨境金融機構客戶。

2014年5月,Leiya兼職創(chuàng)辦了Lean In Shenzhen(勵媖深圳)這一女性互助綜合社群,一直致力于做好這個搭建資源共享、自由交流的平臺,以支持女性自主定義幸福和追求事業(yè)的成功?,FLean In Shenzhen 已成為深圳最有影響力的女性個人和職業(yè)發(fā)展非盈利性平臺社群之一。2016年底,Lean In SZ注冊成立了深圳市女性領導力發(fā)展促進會。


When Your Career Gives You 'Lemons',
Make 'Lemonade'

Laurie Underwood

Communications Specialist, Author, Journalist,Corporate Communication Director

Prof. Underwood is an American specialist in cross-cultural and corporate communications with 20+ years of experience in Greater China. Having co-authored two best-selling China business books (China CEO and China Entrepreneur), she is finishing the third book this summer.  As a Sr Consultant with Sino Associates, she specialises in Crisis Management, Leadership, Intercultural Communications, Corporate Communications, and Cross-cultural Management. She holds an MBA from CEIBS and a DBA from Grenoble Ecole de Management, and is based in Shanghai. 

"When your career gives you lemons, make lemonade!" This twist on the American saying is the topic Prof. Laurie Underwood will share during the Women in Business conference. Matching the theme of #BalanceForBetter, Dr. Underwood tackles the difficult but increasingly common problem of overcoming unexpected career set-backs, with the goal of turning disappointment into discovery. She will share (publicly for the first time ever) her own initially painful professional experience as one of the 'targets' of a corporate downsizing -- not once but three times -- during her own career.  The topic is particularly relevant for women: Due to the high number of female employees in 'soft skills' departments (communications, marketing, and HR), more women may be 'first cut' during a business downturn. Being prepared -- mentally and emotionally -- is the secret to surviving and thriving when facing such a challenge.

"How Cancer Made Me Better,
but I Still Wouldn’t Recommend it!"

Kara Wutzke 

Founder and Head Coach of K2Fit, an online fitness training platform. 

Growing up in Canada, Kara was surrounded by athletic and competitive boys. She played soccer alongside them, until the parents of opposing teams petitioned to get Kara off the field.

She went into the male dominated industry of Personal Training at 19 and quickly became the number one sales person in the city, then rising to Management.

Since being diagnosed with Cancer in December 2015, she went through numerous surgeries and extreme setbacks including being unable to workout (which for a fitness trainer is a huge blow), to not being able to walk without extreme pain and days being bedridden. The PRD community helped her through her battle and finally getting back to her normal self.

She realised that her calling was to help teach people how to live their healthiest lives. She changed the way of training and has helped thousands of people so far. Now, one of the most recognised trainers across China, it is her goal to help over 1,000,000 people transform their lives and live happy, healthy, and fit.



價格:會員價100元/ 非會員價200元
