
2009 PR Newswire Asia Chinese Journalists Survey: Corporate Press Releases Are An Important Information Source; Emerging Media Such as BBS, Blogs and IM Gain Popularity

2009-06-29 17:00


The continuous development of the media and communication sector has provided journalists with more diversified information sources, while enabling companies and their public relation agencies to be given more opportunities to contact and influence journalists. As understanding the workflows and needs of Chinese journalists has strong significance and value, PR Newswire Asia has invited 612 traditional and emerging media practitioners in China to participate in a questionnaire, in a move to listen to their views in terms of workflows, access to information, information technology and new media applications, as well as interaction with the PR industry.

The journalists and media practitioners who participated in the survey are from newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and television stations, as well as internet media organizations, covering a wide range of sectors from finance and general information to information technology. Amongst the respondents, mainly aged between 23 and 35, were journalists, editors and editors in chief. In addition, more than 50 percent of the respondents have over five years of experience in the media industry. Their views reflect the mainstream of the community of front-line reporters and editors.

Key findings:
-- Internet and corporate press releases are most important information sources for journalists

More than 45 percent of the respondents said they relied most on the internet to get information. At the same time, conventional corporate press releases still play an important role in enabling journalists to collect first-hand information, with more than 43 percent of the respondents listing corporate news releases as their top information source. The distribution models and channels of corporate news releases have been diversified. In addition to the traditional direct distribution by companies and their PR agencies to the media, corporate newswires, which were launched in China just a few years ago, are gaining popularity among journalists. Furthermore, a small percentage of the respondents ranked other media in the industry or news agencies as their top information source.

Over 98 percent of respondents would like to receive corporate news releases and over 83 percent of journalists surveyed said that they use excerpts or quotes from the news releases for work, according to the survey.

--Timeliness and relativity become two paramount factors in selecting news releases for journalists

Journalists have higher requirements for timeliness and relativity of corporate news releases. More than two thirds of journalists surveyed believe that most corporate news releases are relatively superficial, especially those that over publicize with advertising language or convey the almost invariable content to various types of journalists from a variety of industries .This has become the most important reason why journalists exclude corporate press releases. 

Besides, what is materially different from several years ago is that social relations and money have had a decreasing impact on journalists? judgement. Only less than 15 percent of journalists surveyed stated that they would select news releases recommended by enterprises with which they have already established good relationships or these enterprises? public relation companies, or would not employ press releases until they are paid.

--74 percent of journalists surveyed receive news releases by E-mail and IM has become the uppermost communication vehicle

74 percent of journalists surveyed receive corporate news releases by E-mail in daily work due to such factors as busy work schedules and working time under uncertainty. IM, which ranked second in terms of the use by journalists following E-mail, has far exceeded the traditional vehicle--press conferences through which journalists receive printed scripts, despite accounting for a very small portion of the total use by journalists on the absolute side. Also, IM is the most important communication vehicle for journalists as it is employed by over 90 percent of journalists surveyed and used by 30 percent to communicate with their peers about news clues and topics.

-- New media is popular among journalists, and more than 75 percent of the journalists have their own blogs and keep the blogs updated

Either traditional or non-traditional media professionals are active in the use of new media. BBS, blogs and social network websites are extremely popular among journalists, and more than 75 percent of the journalists have their own blogs and keep the blogs updated.

As for the outlook of the booming internet media and new media, more than half of the journalists believe that internet media and new media will pose challenges to traditional media in future.

-- Enhanced communication between PR practitioners and journalists, and 36 percent of the journalists agree that the overall service level of the PR sector is improved

The PR sector has grown rapidly in recent years, said journalists. More than 80 percent of the surveyed said that the number of PR agencies they have contact with has increased, and over 36 percent of the journalists recognize the improvement in PR agencies? overall service level and professionalism.

For journalists, in-depth understanding of the feature of firms and related industries PR agencies service and the feature and demand of the media, timely facilitating journalists? interviews, and showing respect to the media抯 judgment on the content and related value of press releases are their main requirements on PR practitioners, but also the key challenges facing PR practitioners. As for the services for journalists, timely providing news elements including photos, consummating corporate website contents and providing email subscription service concerning corporate news have become new demands from the media in recent years.

- Enterprises should pay more attention to the quality of press release content, while improving distribution efficiency. 
- Electronic news distribution channels will become more important, and professional publishers that cover both traditional and new media will benefit enterprises and the media. 
- It is not too late to begin to use new media for brand promotion and marketing. In addition, new media can influence reporters, a special group of "opinion leaders", and its benefits will be clearly seen in the future. 
- Strengthen quality training for marketing/public relations personnel, keep abreast of and respond quickly to the events and topics reporters pay attention to, as well as the interview demand from reporters. If an enterprise is unable to do so by itself, it may turn to professional organizations for help.


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